![]() It might not seem like it but I am puttin' in the work! Yall know me... I like to stay in the background and work on the quality, sincerity and relevancy of my projects before I give them to you. Circumstantially I currently have ended up with a lot of near finished projects at once. I can't wait for you to hear them soon! Soon Coming: the Suicide Note (Testimonial Album) the Serpent Dove (Rock Crossover w/ Noiz) the Rebel Lion (Riddim infused Hip Hop!) Solomon Cain (Battle Project w/ Khonsu) If any of these upcoming album titles intrigue you, send me an email with the album title in the heading and I'll send you an unreleased preview from that album! - [email protected] - Get ready for some Hip Hop!
(in the meantime... catch up with my 20yrs of Hip Hop at JeremiahDirt.Bandcamp.com )
I would like to invite you to peruse my meandering prose.
I am building a Notebook page that will consist of my lyrics and contemplative journal entries. I love writing in that it inspires me to think about God and man and my place there within. I can only hope that I inspire you to do the same. Check it Out in the menu above or click the book! Noiz and I are finishing our 'Serpent Dove' project. The album is EXPLOSIVE! With guest spots from Gospel Gangstaz, Sam Ox, Broken, DJ Kair... it really sounds great.
For now check out the Soundclound (posted a track for you!) and Facebook page. Please Support! Jeremiah Dirt I am Dirt. I Rap for You. I Love God. I Love My Fam & Friends. I Love Hip Hop. As a Musician, I Appreciate My Fanbase and Never Forgot how to Answer My own Email: [email protected] ...Strange I Know... I am a Rapper who prefers "Emcee". I am a BEAST on the Mic! My Mic Art is Ferocious! I Have been Blessed by God & use the Gift Accordingly. I have a 2 Decade Career Behind Me FULL of Explosive, Deep Revelations & Exciting Performances! I am Mostly Slept on ONLY because I Refuse to Bow Down to the Industry's Weak Standards of what Hip Hop should be. I AM HIP HOP! At My Side I Represent with a Crew of MC's arguably Better than I! SOTL- WHAT!? I have Dropped so Many Gems on You Guys... and there are so Many More Soon Coming! - SO MANY MORE! And My FAVORITE Thing to do is spend the Day Meditating on the Mysteries of God so that I can Share them with You in Raps! ALL I ASK IN RETURN is that You Support Truth in Hip Hop. SUPPORT ME! I JUST WANT to STAY CONNECTED to YOU. I am so Anxious to Show You What I Got! I AM HERE!: JeremiahDirt.com & LocustFist.com (Subscribe/Connect with Me on Your Favorite Networks!) -----------HEAR ME: -iTUNES- https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/Jeremiah-Dirt/id593150981?uo=4 -BANDCAMP (rare releases)- http://JeremiahDirt.bandcamp.com/ & http://ShadowoftheLocust.bandcamp.com/ -SOUNDCLOUD- https://soundcloud.com/JeremiahDirt & https://soundcloud.com/ShadowoftheLocust -REVERBNATION- http://www.reverbnation.com/JeremiahDirt & http://www.reverbnation.com/ShadowoftheLocust -----------SEE ME!: http://www.youtube.com/user/JeremiahDirt/featured -----------STAY in TUNE WITH ME!: -TWITTER- https://twitter.com/JeremiahDirt & https://twitter.com/ShadowLocust & https://twitter.com/SolomonCainRaps -FACEBOOK- https://www.facebook.com/JeremiahDirt -(My Pages= Side Projects & Ministry)- https://www.facebook.com/ShadowoftheLocust & https://www.facebook.com/SolomonCainRaps & https://www.facebook.com/BeatSomebody & https://www.facebook.com/thePassedOvers -INSTAGRAM- http://instagram.com/JeremiahDirt I am About to Release Some Heavy Stuff into this Game!.... I AM HERE! WHERE YOU AT!? Hi. Welcome to the new site. I'm glad you here. This is where I am going to share all about the creative work I do in music and art. Thanks for visiting!
Jeremiah Dirt -
Music & Art since '95 NEWEST Dirt Albums!!!
contact: [email protected] Buy My Music at:
(or search "Jeremiah Dirt" on iTunes, Amazon)
get @ Me:I am a grassroots musician who gives more than I receive (to fans & other musicians). This does create a burden and I often need help. If you would like to donate to these creative efforts- ALL money received will go to making product to give away and creating more music). THANK YOU! Archives
July 2023